Knowing God Through His Word



The Spirit of ​​​​​​Wisdom is one of the many Spirits of the I AM, God.  Just as God is Love, God is also Wisdom.  We first read about the Spirit of Wisdom in the book of Job.  Job was a man who knew about the wisdom of God.  Job had a relationship with God through the Spirit of God's Wisdom. 

As it is written:
Job 1:1
1 There was a man in the land of Uz named Job.  That man was blameless and upright, he feared God and shunned evil. 


As it is written:
Job 28:12-28
12 But where can Wisdom be found?  Where is the source of understanding?  

13 No man can set a value on it; it cannot be found in the land of the living.  

14 The deep says, “it is not in me”; the sea says, “I do not have it.”

15 It cannot be bartered for gold; silver cannot be paid out as its price.  

16 The finest gold of Ophir cannot be weighed against it, nor precious onyx, nor sapphire.  

17 Gold or glass cannot match its value, nor vessels of fine gold be exchanged for it.  

18 Coral and crystal cannot be mentioned with it; a pouch of Wisdom is better than rubies.  

19 Topaz from Nubia cannot match its value; pure gold cannot be weighed against it.

20 But whence does Wisdom come? Where is the source of understanding?  

21 It is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the fowl of heaven.  

22 Destruction and death say, “We have only a report of it.”  

23 God understands the way to it; He knows its source;

24 for He sees to the ends of the earth, observes all that is beneath the heavens.

25 When He fixed the weight of the winds, set the measure of the waters;

26 when He made a rule for the rain and a course for the thunderstorms,

27 then He saw it and gauged it; He measured it and probed it.

28 He said to man, See! The Fear of God is Wisdom; To shun evil is understanding. 


King Solomon, the writer of the book of Proverbs, asked God for the Spirit of Wisdom when he became king over the people of Israel, and God granted Solomon his request for Wisdom. 

As it is written:
2 Chronicles 1:9-12

9 Now, O God, let Your promise to my father David be fulfilled; for You have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth.
10 Grant me then the wisdom and the knowledge to lead this people, for who can govern Your great people?
11God said to Solomon, “Because you want this, and have not asked for wealth, property, and glory, nor have you asked for the life of your enemy, or long life for yourself, but you have asked for the wisdom and the knowledge to be able to govern My people over whom I have made you king,

12 wisdom and knowledge are granted to you, and I grant you also wealth, property, and glory, the like of which no king before you has had, nor shall any after you have.


As it is written:
Proverbs 8:12-21
12 I, Wisdom, live with Prudence; I attain knowledge and foresight. 

13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride, arrogance, the evil way, and duplicity in speech. 

14 Mine are counsel and resourcefulness, I am understanding; courage is mine. 

15 Through me kings reign, and rulers decree just 
16 Through me princes' rule, Great men and all the righteous judges.
17 Those who love Me I love, and those who seek Me will find Me. 

18 Riches and honor belong to Me, enduring wealth and success. 

19 My fruit is better than gold, fine gold, and My produce better than choice silver. 

20 I walk on the way of righteousness, on the paths of justice. 

21 I endow those who love Me with substance; I will fill their treasures. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 8:22-31

22 The Lord created Me at the beginning of His course.  As the first of His works of old. 

23 In the distant past I was fashioned, at the beginning, at the origin of earth.

24 There was still no deep when I was brought forth, no springs rich in water;

25 before the mountains were sunk, before the hills I was born. 

26 He had not yet made earth and fields, or the world's first clumps of clay. 

27 I was there when He set the heavens into place; when He fixed the horizon upon the deep;

28 when He made the heavens above firm; and the fountains of the deep gushed forth;
29 when He assigned the sea its limits, so that its waters never transgress His command.

30 When He fixed the foundations of the earth, I was with Him as a confidant, a source of delight every day,

31 rejoicing before Him at all times, rejoicing in His inhabited world, finding delight with mankind.   


As it is written:
Proverbs 8:32-36

32 Now, sons, listen to Me; happy are they who keep my ways. 

33 Heed discipline and become wise; do not spurn [refuse] it. 

34 Happy is the man who listens to Me, coming early to My gates each day, waiting outside My doors.

35 For he who finds Me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. 

36 But he who misses Me destroys himself; All who hate Me love death."  

As it is written:
Proverbs 1:7

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 2:6

6 For the Lord gives wisdom: out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.    

As it is written:
Proverbs 4:5

5 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 4:7

7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 4:11

11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 9:10 

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 10:8

8 The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 11:2

2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 13:3

3 Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 13:10

10 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 15:33

33 Wisdom's instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 16:16

16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver! 

As it is written:
Proverbs 19:8

8 The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. 

As it is written:
Proverbs 24:14  

14 Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and you will not be cut off. 


As it is written:
Psalm 37:30
30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of judgment.  

As it is written:
Psalm 49:3
3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.  

As it is written:
Psalm 51:6
6 Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom.  

As it is written:
Psalm 90:12
12 So, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. 

As it is written:
Psalm 104:12
12 O Lord, how manifold are your works!  In wisdom you have made them all: the earth is full of your riches. 

As it is written:
Psalm 111:10
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments: His praise endures forever. 

As it is written:
Psalm 136:5
5 To Him that by wisdom made the heavens: for His mercy endures forever.  



As it is written:
James 3:17
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  

As it is written:
James 1:5
5 If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask God, that gives to all men liberally [generously], and upbraids not [without finding fault]; and it shall be given him. 

As it is written:
James 1:6
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.  For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 


The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;
and he that wins souls is wise.

Proverbs 11:30
